Bücher, die uns helfen, die großen Fragen zu beantworten

Warum habe ich das getan? Wie kann ich es besser machen? Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist groß, dass wir uns die Fragen schon einmal gestellt haben. Um besser zu verstehen, wie unser Gehirn funktioniert und wie wir unsere Entscheidungsfindung verbessern, können diese sechs Bücher eventuell helfen. Jedes davon wurde in einem TED Talk empfohlen. Hier die Zitate der Redner und die Links zu den TED Talks.

Warum habe ich mich so verhalten?

“Edward L. Deci is a legend in the study of motivation, and the 1996 book ´Why We Do What We Do´ offers a nice early introduction to his work.”

— Dan Pink, business writer (TED Talk: The puzzle of motivation)

Was kann ich tun, um glücklicher zu sein?

“In his book ´Give and Take´, Wharton professor Adam M Grant shows how giving at work can lead to greater happiness and success.”

Shawn Achor, positive psychologist advocate (TED Talk: The happy secret to better work)

Wie kann ich besser im Jetzt leben?

“´Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience`illuminates the kind of life we should all be living. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi argues that one of the highest states of being is the state of flow — when you’re totally engaged in an activity, riding the narrow channel between boredom and anxiety. I talk about this book a lot and try to live by it even more.”

Susan Cain, introvert champion (TED Talk: The power of introverts)

Wie kann ich glücklicher leben?

“´Stumbling on Happiness´ by Daniel Gilbert is a fantastic explanation of why we are so bad at planning what will be good for us.”

Stefan Sagmeister, designer (TED Talk: The power of time off).

Wie kann ich meine täglichen Entscheidungen verbessern?

“In ´Thinking, Fast and Slow´, Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman explores how behavioral economics and cognitive biases influence our everyday decision making.”

Alex Laskey, energy-saving enthusiast (TED Talk: How behavioral science can lower your energy bill)

Warum lügen wir?

“The Liar in Your Life, by Robert Feldman is a great book about how and why deception is eroding our culture. This deception expert, also a University of Massachusetts psychology professor, authored a famous study that found strangers lie to each other about three times in the first ten minutes of meeting each other.”

Pamela Meyer, lying expert (TED Talk: How to spot a liar)

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