Buchempfehlungen aus den TED-Talks von Bill Gates, Susan Cain und anderen… 2. Teil

In TED-Talks geben uns große Persönlichkeiten und erfolgreiche Unternehmer immer mal wieder einen Blick frei auf ihre Leselisten. Hier die inspirierende Vorschläge und Lese-Tipps zu den Kategorien Gehirn & Bewusstsein, Politik, Naturwissenschaften und Arbeit (hier geht es zum Teil 1).

Viel Spaß beim Stöbern in bisher unentdeckten Büchern.

Gehirn und Bewusstsein

Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman
Recommended by: Alex Laskey (TED Talk: How behavioral science can lower your energy bill)
“Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, who gave the TED Talk ‘The riddle of experience vs. memory,’ explores how behavioral economics and cognitive biases influence our everyday decision making.”
The Mind’s Eye, by Oliver Sacks
Recommended by: Simon Lewis (TED Talk: Don’t take consciousness for granted)
“Inspirational and finely written stories of people who find ways to navigate the world through landscapes that have been fractured in ways that are often hard to imagine.”
The Honest Truth about Dishonesty, by Dan Ariely
Recommended by: Pamela Meyer (TED Talk: How to spot a liar)
“A fun, research-based look at cheating and dishonesty by this well-known behavioral economist. The book touches on everything from why creative people are better liars to why wearing knockoff fashion accessories will make you more dishonest.”
Consciousness: An Introduction, by Susan Blackmore
Recommended by: David Chalmers (TED Talk: How do you explain consciousness?)
“Susan Blackmore’s excellent introduction to all sorts of scientific and philosophical issues about consciousness.”
Origins of Neuroscience, by Stanley Finger
Recommended by: Nancy Kanwisher (TED Talk: A neural portrait of the human mind)
“The idea that the mind and brain are composed of distinct components, each carrying out a different function, goes back at least two centuries to neurologists like Franz Josef Gall and Paul Broca. For a delightful history of the colorful characters of this early era, read this book.”


Mighty Be our Powers, by Leymah Gbowee
Recommended by: Melinda Gates (TED Talk: Bill and Melinda Gates: Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we’ve done)
“In 2011, Leymah Gbowee became a global figure when she won a Nobel Prize for launching a grassroots women’s movement that led to peace in Liberia. This is an amazing tale of a group of women coming together to change the course of a country’s history — and it’s also the inspiring story of how Gbowee overcame her own doubts and fears and found the courage to lead them.”
From Dictatorship to Democracy, by Gene Sharp
Recommended by: Scilla Elworthy (TED Talk: Fighting with non-violence)
“This book is based on Sharp’s study, conducted over a period of 40 years, on nonviolent methods of demonstration. Although never actively promoted, this astonishing book traveled as a photocopied pamphlet from Burma to Indonesia, Serbia and most recently Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and China.”
Ecological Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman
Recommended by: Leyla Acaroglu (TED Talk: Paper beats plastic? How to rethink environmental folklore)
“This book provides an excellent, easy-to-understand overview of ‘life-cycle assessment,’ or how everything that we do affects the natural environment.”


Parasite Rex, by Carl Zimmer
Recommended by: Ed Yong (TED Talk: Suicidal crickets, zombie roaches and other parasite tales)
“The best book on the disturbing, fascinating, grisly habits of parasites, including those that manipulate their hosts.”
Why We Run, by Bernd Heinrich
Recommended by: David Epstein (TED Talk: Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?)
“Written by a biologist and ultramarathoner, this book is a fascinating look at how endurance has shaped physiology throughout the animal kingdom. (Endurance flying, endurance running, even frogs and their endurance croaking!) Heinrich gives poetic treatment to the role of ultraendurance in human evolution, and applies some of what he learns while studying animals to his own training. It works out pretty well, as he sets an American record at the North American 100-kilometer championships.”
My Family and Other Animals, by Gerald Durrell
Recommended by: Enric Sala (TED Talk: Glimpses of a pristine ocean)
“An ode to joy and innocence, the book that inspired me as a kid to become a naturalist, and that still warms my heart and makes me laugh.”
Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation, by Olivia Judson
Recommended by: Carin Bondar (TED Talk: The birds and the bees are just the beginning)
“Olivia Judson’s book was among the first that motivated me to become a science communicator. Her comical approach to all kinds of sexual ‘conundrums’ has always been a favorite of mine.”


Give and Take, by Adam Grant
Recommended by: Shawn Achor (TED Talk: The happy secret to better work)
“This Wharton professor shows how giving at work can lead to greater happiness and success.”
Thrive, by Arianna Huffington
Recommended by: Andy Puddicombe (TED Talk: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes)
“This book covers mindfulness in quite some detail, but also looks at the wider impact of our addiction to technology, overly active minds and increasingly busy lives. It offers some excellent commentary on mindfulness, along with some very sound advice.”
The Talent Code, by Daniel Coyle
Recommended by: Dan Pink (TED Talk: The puzzle of motivation)
“A savvy and snappy compilation of some of the best research on talent. I’ve given away more than a dozen copies of this one — including to my own kids.”
Giving Voice to Values, by Mary Gentile
Recommended by: Margaret Heffernan (TED Talk: Dare to disagree)
“A tremendous book about how to speak up.”

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